Cannot Create Storage Spaces Pool – The physical disk’s sector size is not supported


 Not possible to create a Windows Storage Spaces Pool. The following error is displayed:

Create a Storage Pool - Can't create the pool

Create a Storage Pool
Can’t create the pool
Check the drive connections and then try again.
The physical disk’s sector size is not supported by the storage pool. (0x80E70004)


You would think the error message is pretty clear and the issue is caused by an incompatible disk’s sector size. However, after wasting some time trying to change the sector size, it appeared that the error was completely misleading. The actual cause was the disk’s CanPool property being set to False. For disks to be accepted into a Storage Spaces Pool, CanPool property must be True.

  • Open PowerShell as administrator.
  • Run  Get-PhysicalDisk
  • Note if the affected disks have CanPool set to False.
  • Run  Get-PhysicalDisk | Select FriendlyName, UniqueId and copy UniqueId values for all affected disks.
  • For all affected disks run  Reset-PhysicalDisk -UniqueId [id_from_previous_step]
  • Run  Get-PhysicalDisk to make sure CanPool is now set to True.
  • Try adding the disks to the Storage Pool again.

June 2023
Windows 11 Pro (22H2)


One response to “Cannot Create Storage Spaces Pool – The physical disk’s sector size is not supported”

  1. anonymous avatar

    Worked like a charm, thank you!

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