Category: Servers

  • Install and configure CentOS web server (LAMP)

    Install CentOS (minimal install). Configure network Run: ip a to find your network adaptor’s name. In my case the adaptor is called ens32. Navigate to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ and open network configuration file with your network adaptor name, i.e. ifcfg-ens32 vi ifcfg-ens32 Edit the file replacing all IP addresses according to your network requirements.  HWADDR =00:0B:27:A1:DC:1ATYPE=EthernetBOOTPROTO=staticONBOOT=yesIPADDR= Start network: service network start…

  • VMware vSphere error – Reset System Health for One or More Sensors

    Issue VMware ESXi vSphere client host Health Status (Configuration tab) shows Unknown and Question marks (?) next to each component. Trying to Reset Sensors fails with error:

  • Access VMware datastore with WinSCP (enable SSH)

    WinSCP is a convenient way to download and upload files to VMware datastores. To connect with WinSCP you have to enable SSH on your VMware host (it is disabled by default):

  • Autostart virtual machines with vmware ESXi host

    If your vmware host machine unexpectedly rebooted due to power cut or any other reason, by default all virtual machines remain in powered-off state. To make them boot automatically perform following: Open vmware vSphare Client Select your vmware host and change to Configuration tab Under Software column click on Virtual Machine Startup/Shutdown, then click on Properties…

  • Yealink SIP-T22P VOIP phones unreachable from Asterisk PBX

    Environment Trixbox 2.6 PBX (Asterisk 1.4) Mixture of Linksys SPA 942 and Yealink SIP-T22P VOIP phones Phones connecting to the PBX from a remote site over WAN. Issue People using Yealink SIP-T22P SIP phones occasionally can’t receive incoming calls. Outgoing calls working fine. Linksys phones are not affected. When the issue occurs Asterisk CLI shows…

  • Add Netgear ReadyNAS share as VMware ESXi datastore

    This article explains how to add a Netgear ReadyNAS Business Pro share to a VMware ESXi host as an NFS (Network File System) datastore. Although I’m using Netgear RadyNAS in this example, similar process would apply to any other NFS compatible NAS device.

  • Change MySQL root password

    To change MySQL root password login to the server console and run following command: mysqladmin -u root -p  password ‘new-password’ You will be prompted for your old password and new password will be set to newpass.

  • Trixbox Asterisk – Forward extension via web admin GUI

    To forward extension on Trixbox Asterisk server: Login to admin web GUI PBX > PBX Settings > Extension > [extension] Under Device Options change value of field dial To forward to an extension on the same VOIP server: SIP/601Where: 601 – extension you are forwarding to To forward to an extension to another outgoing trunk: IAX2/Boston/601Where: IAX2/Boston…

  • Cannot dial-in into conference via IVR (Trixbox Asterisk)

    If you use IVR (Interactive voice response) on your Asterisk / Trixbox setup, Enable Direct Dial option allows callers to directly dial extensions. By default it doesn’t allow to dial-in into conferences. If you try you will get response similar to:“That option is invalid. Please try again“

  • Force mouse capture in VMware client

    VMware vSphere  and VMware Workstation allows seamless mouse movement between your physical and virtual machines. In most situations this is a desired behaviour, but sometimes you may want mouse cursor to be captured inside a VM. For example, I was testing Windows 8 as a virtual machine and it’s much easier to navigate Metro edge…

  • Linksys SPA VOIP phone rejects calls from Skype SIP Trunk on Asterisk

    Setup Asterisk Trixbox 2.6 Server Skype Connect SIP trunk to accept incoming Skype calls Linksys SPA and Cisco SPA VOIP phones Issue Incoming calls via Skype to some Linksys / Cisco IP phones get rejected. Asterisk debug show following reason : — Called 715— Got SIP response 406 “Not Acceptable” back from— No one…

  • Asterisk (Trixbox) hangs on “recordingcheck” and drops calls

    Issue Asterisk (TrixBox) server is not functioning properly. Internal calls working fine, but external incoming and outgoing time-out and fail. Looking at Asterisk Command Line Interface (CLI) output (connect with asterisk -r) noticed unusual behaviour: Normally when incoming call is received, Asterisk outputs number of executed actions into CLI and receiving phone starts ringing in…