Category: Servers

  • Increase Joomla Media Manager Upload File Size Limit

    Joomla Media Manager default Upload Limit is 10MB.This can be changed: Joomla 1.6 and Joomla 1.7: Content > Media Manager > Options > Maximum Size (in MB) Joomla 1.5: Global Configuration > System > Maximum Size (in bytes) If you try to upload file which is too large, you should normally get the following error:This…

  • Where is php.ini located?

    php.ini can be located in quite few different places depending on your Linux distribution and Apache installation. Some common places are:/etc/php.ini /etc/php/php.ini /etc/php5/php.ini /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini/usr/bin/php5/bin/php.ini If you still can’t find it, run:find / -name php.ini This will find all files with name php.ini on your server.

  • MySQL server down: ERROR 2002 (HY000)

    Problem: All Joomla websites hosted on single virtual server are down. Trying to access any of the sites, web browsers display following errors:Infinite loop detected in JErrororDatabase Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL phpMyAdmin web interface displays login screen would not allow to login (simply reloads the page after submitting…

  • Unlock network files locked by Samba Linux / Unix Server

    Samba is a free Linux/Unix software which provides file and print access for Microsoft Windows clients. If you have a Linux file server or Linux based NAS device on a network with Windows clients you are probably using Samba. Samba deals with file locking, preventing file corruption and data loss when two or more clients…

  • Installing LDAP support in PHP on Ubuntu LAMP server

    LDAP support in PHP is not enabled by default. To enable LDAP support on an existing Ubuntu Apache web server you need to install php5-ldap package. Install php5-lda:sudo apt-get install php5-ldapReboot apache/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

  • Install network traffic monitoring utility vnStat on Ubuntu server

    vnStat is a console based network traffic monitoring utility for Linux which collects bandwidth statistic for selected interface(s).To install vnStat run:sudo apt-get install vnstat To create and configure database run:sudo vnstat -u -i eth0Note 1: This assumes that you want to monitor eth0 interface. To find all your active interfaces run ifconfig.Note 2: Some manuals…

  • Importing large sql file into MySQL database

    The easiest way to import an .sql file into MySQL database is use phpMyAdmin web interface. Login into phpMyAdmin control panel Select your database Click on Import tab Select your .sql file, click Go and you are done Problem with this is that PHP configuration normally limits size of files you can upload. There should…

  • Ubuntu Server Tips

    Check remaining disk space df -hReports free space on each mount. Monitor web server in real time tail -f /var/www/yoursite/logs/access.logReads Apache access long file and displays changes in real time. Your log file may be in different location depending on settings.

  • Check Ubuntu Server Linux version

    Ubuntu Server doesn’t have GUI, but you can find version using number of terminal commands lsb_release -a cat /etc/issue cat /proc/version uname -a

  • Set up Linux (Ubuntu) server to synchronise clock with NTP time server

    ntupdate ntupdate comes built in into Ubintu server. To manually adjust server time run:sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.comYou can choose another ntp server instead of ntpd To automatically keep server time up to date use ntp. Install ntpd:sudo apt-get install ntp ntpd should start working immediately without any additional configuration. However you obviously can adjust settings…

  • Disable directory listing (index) in Apache

    /etc/apache2/httpd.confAdd lineOptions –Indexessudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload OR /etc/apache2/sites-availabl/[sitename]find line:Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViewsAnd add “–” in front of the “Indexes“:Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViewssudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reloadUbuntu Server

  • Apache2 on Ubuntu – Hosting multiple websites

    Create directories for a new site. E.g./var/www/sites/ In /etc/apache2/conf.d/ create new file virtual.conf## Running multiple virtual hosts.#NameVirtualHost * /etc/apache2/sites-availableThis contains configuration files for sites which are available but not necessarily enabled./etc/apache2/sites-enabledThis directory contains site files which are enabled.Each configuration file in the sites-enabled directory is loaded when the server starts – whilst the files in…