Category: Web and Network

  • Joomla Smart Search Indexer error: Indexer Running undefined null

    Issue Trying to manually run Joomla Smart Search Indexer immediately fails with following error: Indexer Runningundefinednull

  • XCloner backup log emails rejected. Sender:

    XCloner Joomla and WordPress backup notification emails are not beng delivered. Postfix Mail logs (/var/log/maillog) shows that email was bounced by Google because of sender’s domain Feb 20 21:41:50 localhost postfix/smtp[48976]: DCE8DE03ED13: to=<>,[]:25, delay=0.51, delays=0.03/0.01/0.2/0.28, dsn=5.7.1, status=bounced (host[] said: 550-5.7.1 Unauthenticated email from is not accepted due to domain’s 550-5.7.1 DMARC policy.…

  • apache_request_headers() – Call to undefined function apache_request_headers()

    Issue After moving PHP application to 1&1 CentOS 7 VPS server PHP function apache_request_headers() stopped working. With PHP display_errors set to On, following error is displayed: Call to undefined function apache_request_headers() With display_errors set to Off, it simply throws: 500 Internal Server Error

  • Change default web site in Plesk

    Default web site will launch when Apache cannot match the domain name user requested with one of the hosted domains. To change the default web site in Plesk: Tools and Settings > IP Addresses Click on your IP Address Select a site from the Default site list that you want to be your default If you…

  • WordPress XCloner backup creates 2kb .tar backup file

    Issue XCloner Backup processes WordPress site backup without any errors but produces only a tiny 2KB .tar archive with a single file inside (administrator\backups\index.html). The strange thing is that XCloner backup log shows that thousands of files were detected and processed.

  • WordPress Admin – Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page

    Issue After moving a WordPress blog to a new server admin user can no longer access admin control panel. The same user can login to the website front-end with no issues, but as soon as he tries to access wp-admin page the following error is displayed: Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.

  • Comparing Cisco WDS Bridge and WorkGroup Bridge modes

    I recently had a small job to configure few Cisco WAP121 wireless access points for a client to be used as Wi-Fi extenders. On WAP121 this can be done in two ways – “WDS Bridge” and “WorkGroup Bridge“.  WorkGroup Bridge is more or less standard Wi-Fi Repeating mode that is widely available on many routers and access…

  • WorkGroup Bridge (Wi-Fi Repeater) mode doesn’t work on Cisco WAP121

    Issue Cisco WAP121 Wi-Fi access points do not work properly as wireless repeaters (extending signal from a Hitron cable modem/router). WAP121 actually establishes connection to the main router and can be used as a bridge for wired clients. However, as soon as you try to enable Access Point Interface, connection to the main router drops… Cisco…

  • Customise Gantry based template’s CSS

    To customise Gantry based Joomla template’s CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Go to templates/template_name/css folder and create a file with name template_name-custom.css Place your CSS customisation in this file Refresh the webpage, if necessary clear browser’s cache For example, let’s say we want to change article text colour to green in Joomla’s rt_afterburner2 template: Go to templates/rt_afterburner2/css folder and…

  • Some files on the server may be missing or incorrect…

    Issue A website throws following pop-up messages on every singe page:  Some files on the server may be missing or incorrect. Clear browser cache and try again. If the problem persists please contacts website author.

  • Warning after PHP upgrade “Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class…”

    Issue After upgrading PHP from 5.4 to 7.0 following warning is displayed:  Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Pages has a deprecated constructor in /home4/webmaster/public_html/website/classes/pages.class.php on line 16 Resolution The warning can be hidden by setting display_errors to Off in php.ini. Obviously this…

  • Kunena forum breaks after update

    Issue Joomla’s Kunena forum breaks after attempting upgrading to version 5.0.6 (using Joomla auto-updater). Upgrade fails, in the front-end the forum displays “Offline” message. Trying to get into Kunena back-end admin panel triggers an attempt to resume the upgrade which immediately fails again… Trying to install Kunena manually (uploading pkg_kunena_v5.0.5 package via Joomla’s installer) seems to succeed…