Category: Web and Network

  • Joomla 3 (Tiny MCE) images displayed without borders

    After upgrading to Joomla 3, images in articles on some of my websites started being displayed without borders even when I specified 1px border Tiny MCE editor’s image dialog. Note: code border-width: 1px; in Style field is added automatically by Tiny MCE after entering 1 in the Border field.

  • Email relay via Office 365 / Exchange Online

    This is a quick tutorial to setup Email Relay using Office 365 or Exchange Online services. Requirements: Office 365 / Exchange Online Account Static IP address at your site (from where emails will be sent)

  • JComments – can’t disable CAPTCHA

    Issue Not possible to disable CAPTCHA for Public user group in Settings > Permissions > Public (JComments 3.0.0). After saving the changes “Enable CAPTCHA” check-box gets checked again. Resolution The issue is a bug confirmed by JComments developer “smart” here.

  • Incorrect MTU causes websites not to load at all or load incomplete

    Issue A small office reported an issue with their Internet connection – some websites wouldn’t load at all, some load incompletely, and others work absolutely fine. The office had a SonicWALL NSA220 firewall connecting to the Internet via BT OpenReach VDLS modem (over PPPoE). Standard network / Internet connectivity tests didn’t show any problems. 

  • Godaddy SMTP server randomly rejects emails

    I have a few websites that run Joomla and send some notification emails via Godaddy SMTP server Godaddy only allows 250 SMTP relays per day for free, but for this particular purpose this was more than enough. One day I noticed that I was not receiving all notification emails I was supposed to receive.…

  • Joomla! doesn’t detect latest updates

    Noticed that few of my Joomla websites were still on version 2.5.11 when the current version was 2.5.19. Joomla auto-update page was misleadingly saying that Joomla was up-to-date.

  • Force mp3, pdf and other files to download (Apache)

    If your website visitor clicks on a URL that links to a file, such as mp3, mp4, doc, pdf, etc., the file will be displayed/played inside the browser if the browser supports that particular format. This is inconsistent across different browsers as not all browsers support the same file formats. To make experience more consistent…

  • Joomla native captcha (reCAPTCHA) not working

    Issue Integrated Joomla captcha (reCAPTCHA) does not appear in the front end.

  • SSH into DD-WRT router remotely

    To connect to a router running DD-WRT firmware perform following: Login into router’s web GUI as administrator Go to Services > Services and “Enable” SSHd under Secure Shell Go to Administration > Management and “Enable” SSH Management under Remote Access Connect to router’s IP address using your favourite SSH client (i.e. PUTTY) using username: root…

  • Password protect Joomla administrator directory

    One of the ways to increase your Joomla site security is password protect administrator directory. If you use third party hosting provider which offers cPanel site administration, you can easily protect your administrator directory using built-in cPanel Password Protect Directories option. If cPanel is not an option or you host your site yourself, you can use .htaccess…

  • Check your Joomla site for vulnerabilities

    OWASP Joomla! Security Scanner is a great security tool to check your Joomla! website for known vulnerabilities and other security issues and be one step ahead of hackers. This tool uses Perl so you need to have it installed on your machine. Most of Linux distributions have it preinstalled. Download Joomscan from (recommended for latest version) or here. Extract files…

  • Replace directory using mod_rewrite redirect in .htaccess

    Following rule will replace old-directory with new-directory in your website’s URL. Add this to .htaccess file. Options +FollowSymLinksRewriteEngine OnRewriteRule ^old-directory(.*)$$1 [l,r=301,nc] Syntax: rewriterule – defines rewrite rule^ – start matching(.*) – match and remember everything$ – end matching$1 – append original URL part captured in (.*)l – last rule (only omit in linked rules)r=301…