Category: Active Directory

  • Change HKCU registry entries via Logon Script in Group Policy.

    Create Registry.reg file with required registry changes. E.g. following will disable “Download Windows Search” prompt in MS Outlook 2010:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\Search]“DisableDownloadSearchPrompt”=dword:00000001 Create Registry.bat file with text:%systemroot%\regedit /s Registry.reg Open Group Policy object, go to User Configuration > Windows Settings > Scripts > Logon Click on Show Files (this opens a folder in \\domain-name\SysVol\domain-name\Policies\……

  • update cached domain credentials on a remote workstation

    Normally to update / unlock user’s cached domain credentials on a workstation you need to log on as the user while connected to the domain controller (locally or via VPN). If you have a remote workstation which connects remotely via VPN you are fine as long as VPN  is initiated on a router / firewall…

  • Deploy Adobe Flash Player using Group Policy

    1. Go to Distribute Adobe Flash Player page and apply for a free Flash Player distribution licesnse.2. Once you received confirmation email click on a provided link and download latest .msi installer. ActiveX – for Internet Explorer. Plugin – for all other browsers.3. Deploy through Group Policy. To disable Adobe Flash Auto Update Notifications read…

  • Deploy Adobe Reader using Group Policy

    Obtain a license to distribute Adobe Reader: Go to Adobe Reader download page and click on “Distribute Adobe Reader“. Fill the form and wait for the confirmation email. This gives you permission to distribute Adobe Reader. Obtain Adobe Reader .msi file: Download the latest .msi file from Adobe FTP server or .exe file from…

  • Reset local admin password on multiple workstations

    1. Download pspasswd.exe (More info)2. Create computers.txt file and place it in the same folder as pspasswd.exe3. In computers.txt list all computers you want to reset admin password. Each in a new line.4. In command prompt run pspasswd.exe @computers.txt administrator NewAdminPassword Make sure you have domain admin rights.All files including a simple .bat script can…

  • Useful Command Line Commands and Tools

    repadmin /showreps servername – Domain Controller replication status.repadmin /replsum – replication status of all the domain controllers in the forest. dsquery user -stalepwd <NumDaysSinceLastPwdChange> – Users Whose Passwords Are About to Expiredsquery user -inactive <NumWeeks> – Users Who Have Not Logged On Recentlydsquery computer domainroot -inactive <NumWeeks> – inactive computers in the current domain dcdiag…

  • Deploy Java using Group Policy

    Java 6.XXJava 7.XXJava 8.XX

  • Deploy Google Earth using Group Policy

    Option 1 (with 7-ZIP) Option 2 (Without 7-ZIP) If in Step 1 for any reason you can’t download advanced setup file (which is full Google Earth .exe):Download standard “Google Updater”.When “Google Updater” runs it downloads Google Earth .exe file to “C:\Program Files\Google\Update\Download”. Be aware that Google Updater may start installation automatically without any warnings. Google…