Configure Draytek Vigor 2860 to work Huawei E3372 4G USB Dongle

  • Plug the Huawei E3372 USB dongle into USB-1 port on Draytek Vigor (which corresponds to WAN-3)
  • WAN > General Setup. Make sure WAN3 is Enabled and set to Always On.

  • WAN > Internet Access. Next to WAN3 select “3G/4G USB Modem (DHCP Mode)“, then click on Details Page.
    For some older USB dongles you may need to select “3G/4G USB Modem (PPP Mode)”
  • In Details Page fill following fields:
    • 3G/4G USB Modem(DHCP mode): Enable
    • Network Mode: 4G/3G/2G
    • APN: [Check with your SIM provider. I.e EE: everywhere; Three Mobile: 3internet, etc…]
    • Click OK to save changes.
  • Online Status > Physical Connection. Check WAN 3 Status. If everything was configured correctly it should soon display connection details.

October 2016
Draytek Vigor 2860ac
Huawei E3372


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