Develop photocopier on client PCs displays basic Windows print dialog


Develop (Konica Minolta) photocopiers’ print preferences window shows only a basic selection of features.

Basic Print Dialog

The printers were installed from a local print server and on the server itself print dialog displays the full manufacturer’s preferences. 

Develop photocopier print preferences


This behaviour is expected. V4 Universal Print Drivers are normally not copied from the server to client PCs. Instead, the client PCs are using “Microsoft Enhanced Point and Print Driver” as middleware. This design was adopted to work around a new requirement for clients to have administrator privileges when installing print drivers from a local server. By itself, this requirement was introduced to deal with the “Print Nightmare” Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in Windows.

To resolve the issue and display full print preferences you have to install the same version of V4 Universal Print Driver on the client PCs. Since this affected only a small number of PCs, I resolved this manually.

  • Download Universal Printer Driver V4 from the Develop website. It has to be exactly the same version as installed on the server (in my case v2.1.0.1)
    Develop Universal Printer Driver V4 Download
  • Extract the downloaded package, run “Setup64.exe” on client PCs as admin and select the Update option. 
    Universal Printer Driver V4 Installation
  • Select relevant printers and click Next to install the drivers.
    Universal Printer Driver V4 Installation

No restart was necessary, the full Develop print dialog was shown immediately.

July 2023
Windows Server 2016
Windows 10 Pro (22H2)



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