Event 11 – The driver detected a controller error on DeviceIdeIdePort


Computer randomly becomes unresponsive or very slow without any apparent reason. System even logs are full of following errors:

Event ID: 11
Level: Error
Description: The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Ide\IdePort4.


Event 11 normally indicates that there is an issue with one of the following:

  • Hard Drive
  • SATA controller
  • SATA cable
  • Motherboard

First of all I moved the suspected hard drive (WD Green) to another SATA port (using different cable). The error changed to: “The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Ide\IdePort2.” This was a strong suggestion that the issue is with the hard drive. I scanned the drive with WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostic (from Ultimate Boot CD). Short test passed with no errors. However, full test (after running for about an hour) failed with following error:

Too many errors found – please contact technical support
Error / Status Code: 0225

Replacing the hard drive resolved the issue.

May 2017
Windows 7 Pro
Western Digital Green


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