File Copy Error 0x800700FE – The specified extended attribute name was invalid


Cannot copy some files from Netgear ReadyNAS Pro Business NAS device to Windows 10 PC. Files were originally created by Macs running various versions of Mac OS X 10.

Windows Explorer displays following error:


1 Interrupted Action
An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file, If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.
Error 0x800700FE: The specified extended attribute name was invalid

Trying to copy with robocopy produces similar error:

ERROR 254 (0x000000FE) Copying File \\nas\data\layout.pdf
The specified extended attribute name was invalid.


The issue was resolved by upgrading ReadyNAS Firmware to the latest version (RAIDiator 4.2.27). It’s also possible that the issue would have been resolved by simply restarting the Netgear ReadyNAS…

Mac OS X 10.X
Windows 10 Home
Netgear ReadyNAS Pro Business


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