Google Chrome – Reset External Protocol Request dialog

Following instruction shows how to bring back Google Chrome External Protocol Request dialog if at some point you checked “Remember my choice for all links of this type” option.

  • Close Google Chrome
  • Navigate to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data and open Local State file in Notepad.
  • Go to Edit > Find and search for protocol_handler text
  • Just after protocol_handler text look for an item that corresponds to the external application / protocol in question. For example, Rodbox Player would be rodbox-player, iTunes would be itms, etc.
  • Delete the entry. In the above Rodbox Player example we need to delete text “roblox-player”: false, 
  • Save the file and re-start Google Chome

November 2016
Windows 10
Google Chrome 54


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