Installing and enabling PEAR Mail on 1&1 Plesk VPS

PHP PEAR was not installed on my 1&1 VPS (CentOS 7) at all, so the first step was to to install it: 

yum install php-pear

Next, install PEAR Mail and Net_SMTP packages:

pear install mail

pear install Net_SMTP

PEAR was installed to /usr/share/pear path which was automatically added (or maybe was there before…) to the default include_path in Plesk PHP settings.

Still, when PHP was trying to use PEAR Mail, following error was logged:

Warning: require_once(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File (/usr/share/pear/Mail.php) is not within the allowed path(s)…

As the error suggests, Mail.php package is found but PHP’s open_basedir was blocking access to it. To resolve this I had to add /usr/share/pear path to open_basedir in PHP settings within Plesk:

The full open_basedir string now was: {WEBSPACEROOT}{/}{:}{TMP}{/}:/usr/share/pear


February 2017
1&1 VPS Web Server
Plesk Onyx 17
CentOS 7


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