Joomla JCE Editor strips out Sourcerer php, javascript and other code


Sourcerer PHP block

Joomla JCE Editor doesn’t work with Sourcerer and similar plugins that allow placing PHP and other code inside articles. The code can be added and saved in JCE Code tab, but as soon as the view is changed to Editor, all or part of the code is stripped out.


  • Go to Components > JCE Editor > Edit Profiles > Default (or whatever profile you are using)
  • Editor Parameters > Advanced
  • In Code Blocks section select Yes next to all types of code you want to leave intact.
  • In some cases, you may have to enable the experimental Protect Shortcode option.

JCE Editor Parameters > Advanced

As per JCE warning, enabling these options could be a security risk, so make sure this JCE Editor profile is only accessible to trusted users (Setup > Assignment > User Group).

February 2023
Joomla 3.10
JCE Editor 2.9



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