Merge Adobe Acrobat Reader .msi and .msp files for GPO deployment

Adobe now distributes Adobe Reader updates as .msp files which makes it somewhat more difficult to deploy via Group Policy.

Below instructions show how to merge .msi and .msp files so that the application could be deployed via Group Policy. This example is for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, but the same process should work for other software as well.

Note: Adobe Acrobat Reader cannot be already installed on a machine where the bellow process is performed.

  • Download AcroRdrDC1901020069_en_US.exe installation file from and extract to C:\TMP using 7-ZIP.
  • Open the command prompt and run: msiexec /a C:\TMP\AcroRead.msi
    When prompted where to save the installation, select C:\TMP\New
  • Copy AcroRdrDCUpd1901020069.msp from C:\TMP to C:\TMP\New
  • Now run: msiexec /a C:\TMP\New\AcroRead.msi /p C:\TMP\New\AcroRdrDCUpd1901020069.msp
    When prompted select target as the same C:\TMP\New folder.
    • If you are getting below error, make sure you don’t already have Adobe Reader installed on the machine where the command was run:
      The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch.
  • Delete file C:\TMP\New\AcroRdrDCUpd1901020069.msp as it’s no longer required.
  • You can move C:\TMP\New folder to the final destination and deploy .msi via Group Policy.

January 2019
Adobe Reader DC
Windows 10 Pro
Windows Server 2016



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