MS Exchange Server 2007 – Export Message Tracking Results

You can’t export message tracking results from GUI interface, however you can from Exchange Management Shell.

1. Open Exchange Management Console > Toolbox > Message Tracking
2. Customise your query as required and copy Shell command from the box below.
3. Paste the text into Exchange Management Shell and append | Export-Csv C:\Export.csv at the end.
For example
get-messagetrackinglog -Server “servername” -MessageSubject “meeting” -Start “16/12/2010 13:40:00” -End “16/12/2010 13:41:00” | Export-Csv C:\Export.csv
This will export results into Export.csv file on the C: drive.

One problem with that is that it does not export recipients as it is passed as an array of strings. To get around the issue you can specify which columns needs to be exported with select and request recipients with  {$_.recipients}
For example to get all columns you can use query:
get-messagetrackinglog -Server “servername” -MessageSubject “meeting” -Start “16/12/2010 13:40:00” -End “16/12/2010 13:41:00” | select timestamp, eventid, source, sourcecontext, messageid, messagesubject, sender, {$_.recipients}, internalmessageid, clientip, clienthostname, serverip, serverhostname, connectorid, {$_.recipientstatus}, totalbytes, recipientcount, relatedrecipientaddress, reference, returnpath, messageinfo | Export-Csv C:\Export.csv

Obviously you can select only these columns which you are interested in.

MS Exchange 2007


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