MS Word 2010 – Comments text in track changes balloon very small


Text in comments balloon is extremely small and unreadable.

comments balloon text very small


Ballon Text style is configured with very small font size.


Modify Ballon Text style and increase the font size:

  • Open the affected document in MS Word 2010
  • In Home ribbon click on a little arrow below Change Styles icon to open Styles dialog.
    Home > Change Styles
  • In Styles dialog click on Manage Styles icon
    Styles dialog
  • Scroll down and select Balloon Text style, then click Modify
    Manage Styles
  • Change font size (and other options if required), then select Automatically Update. Click OK to close both dialog boxes.
    Modify Style
  • All comments should now automatically update with correct font size.
    comments balloon text normal size


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