Offline address book not updating on Exchange 2010

Noticed that new Exchange users added some days ago are not appearing in Offline Address Book on Outlook 2010 clients. Users were appearing in on-line Global Address List (webmail, etc.)

First logged on to the Exchange 2010 server and run following Exchange Management Shell cmdlet:
get-offlineaddressbook |fl

LastTouchedTime was date couple of weeks old which meant that Offline Address List was not updating.

Tried to manually update Offline Address Book via Exchange Management Console and received following error:

Action ‘Update’ could not be performed on object Offline Address Book’.
Failed to generate the content of the offline address book “\Offline Address Book’. Two possible reasons for the failure are that the System Attendant Service is not running or you do not have permission to perform this operation. Error message: ‘Error 0x6d9 (There are no more endpoints
available from the endpoint mapper) from RpcEpResolveBinding’.
Error 0x6d9 (There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper) from RpcEpResolveBinding

Checked services and surely enough Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service was not running.
Starting the service resolved the problem.

To speed-up the update process performed following:

  • Manually updated Offline Address Book:
    EMC > Organization Configuration > Mailbox > Offline Address Book > Update
  • Restarted Microsoft Exchange File Distribution (MSExchangeFDS) service
  • On Outlook 2010 client – Send / Receive > Download Address Book

Exchange 2010
Outlook 2010


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