Set up and customize Folder Redirection on SBS2008

Folder Redirection

The easiest way to enable folder redirection on Windows Small Business Server 2008 (SBS 2008) is to use Windows SBS Console Wizard.

  1. Windows SBS Console > Shared Folders and Web Sites > Shared Folders – in Tasks panel click on Redirect folders for user accounts to the server.
  2. Under Folder Names Select folder(s) you want to redirect (e.g. Documents).
  3. Under User Accounts select accounts you want to have folders redirected.
  4. Click OK

By default folders will be redirected to the server share RedirectedFolders which is located in D:\Users\FolderRedirections

Disable / Change Folder Quotas

By default all redirected folders will be subject to a 2GB storage quota per user. If you want to change or disable these quotas:
Windows SBS Console > Users and Groups > Users > [user name] > Edit user account properties > Folders
Change or disable quotas as required.

If you want to change quotas for all users at the same time, and automatically apply changes to all new users, make changes in:
Windows SBS Console > Users and Groups > User Roles > Standard User > Edit User Role Properties > Folders
and click OK.
Be aware that this may affect existing users’ settings and group memberships. So if you have customized your users use this option carefully.

For more advanced Quota Management use File Server Resource Manager

Customize folder redirection

Actual folder redirection is done by a Group Policy object called Small Business Server Folder Redirection Policy. This policy applies to members of Windows SBS Folder Redirection Accounts security group. Above Folder Redirection Wizard Step 3 simply adds members to this security group.
If you want to customize the your folder redirection Open Group Policy Management and navigate to My Business > Users > SBSUsers
Right click on Small Business Server Folder Redirection Policy > Edit
Folder Redirection settings are located in User Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Folder Redirection > [Folder Name] > Properties
For example you may want to disable “Grant the user exclusive settings for Documents” so that domain administrators, or backup services can access your redirected folders.

Be aware that that if you re-run Windows SBS Console Folder Redirection Wizard your customizations may be overwritten.

Disable automatic offline files on redirected folders

By default all redirected folder will be automatically made available offline. If you want to disable this behaviour:
Open Group Policy Management > My Business > Users > SBSUsers > Small Business Server Folder Redirection Policy > Edit (You can choose to use other applicable Group policy object or create a new one)
Navigate to User Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > System > Folder Redirection
Enable Do not automatically make redirected folders available offline.
Users can still make folders available offline manually.

Windows Small Business Server 2008


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