Shadow copy errors on Exchange 2010 server (ESE – 2007 and VSS – 9702)

Every night, at the same time Exchange 2010 server records following two errors in Application Logs:

Source: MSExchangeIS
Event ID: 9702
Level: Error
Task Category: Exchange VSS Writer
Description: Exchange VSS Writer (instance c939cecf-f703-4a02-b5ec-3a08606eeefb:67) failed with error code 1295 when processing the post-snapshot event.



Source: ESE
Event ID: 2007
Level: Error
Task Category: ShadowCopy
Description: Information Store (4696) Shadow copy instance 67 aborted.

Exchange server backup and maintenance tasks schedule times didn’t match with the time when these errors were occurring.

After looking into other tasks and applications running on the server, I found that Mozy Pro was scheduled to backup a single file at exactly the same time. Mozy wasn’t backing up anything Exchange related, but since it was using Windows Shadow Copy service (which is volume based), it was affecting Exchange as well. 

The issue was resolved by disabling Mozy Pro option “Enable support for backing up open files” (Options > Advanced).

Obviously, this wouldn’t be great solution if you needed to backup open or locked files, but in this particular case this wasn’t a concern.

Windows Server 2008 R2
Mozy Pro
December 2015


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