Ubuntu – disable auto screen lock after suspend and hibernate

Disable auto screen lock after suspend and hibernate

Even if during installation you chose “Login in automatically” Ubuntu will prompt you for a password after starting from suspend (sleep) and hibernate.

To change this behaviour try this:

Option 1

System > Preferences > Screensaver
Disable “Lock screen when screensaver is active

If this doesn’t work try:

Option 2

Open terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal) and type gconf-editor
navigate to apps > gnome-power-manager > lock and disable all items
If this still doesn’t work repeat this but launch gconf-editor with sudo gconf-editor

Even after this Ubuntu may still prompt for a password if you suspend or hibernate using Ubuntu soft power button (top right on the desktop). If you close laptop lid or use CTRL+ALT+DELETE dialog everything works as expected. This is a bug and is discussed in more detail here.

Ubuntu Desktop 10.10
Ubuntu Desktop 11.04


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