Useful Command Line Commands


tasklist –  list of active processes
tasklist /SVC – list of active processes with services in each process
tasklist /m kernel* – list of active processes with dlls starting ‘kernel’ in each process

tasklist /s WSN-130 /u domain\administrator /p password – list of processes on remote machine.
tasklist /s WSN-130 /u domain\administrator /p password /SVC – list of processes with services in each process on remote mashine
tasklist /s WSN-130 /u domain\administrator /p password /m pix* – list of processes with dll’s starting ‘pix’on remote mashine.

If tasklist does not work on remote machines (access denied, etc.) Try using it with Beyond Execute (see bellow).


MsiExec.exe options
/passive – shows uninstalling progress and reboots without prompt.
/qn – doesn’t show anything and reboots without prompt.
/qf – full uninstalling interface. Asks users permission to uninstall.
/qr – shows uninstalling progress (full) and prompts for reboot.
/qb – shows uninstalling progress (basic) and prompts for reboot.

Run .msi as administrator

runas /user:domain\administrator “msiexec /i C:\application.msi”

Install .msi with .mst transform file

msiexec /i “\\path\to\setup.msi” TRANSFORMS=”\\path\to\transform.mst”

Stored user names and passwords

Rundll32.exe Keymgr,KRShowKeyMgr

Windows Time

w32tm /resync /rediscover – redetect the network configuration and resynchronise time

Restart Windows Time service:
net stop w32time
net start w32time

Beyond Execute

Execute processes on remote computers. Command line tool. Download. More Info.

beyondexecv2.exe \\computer [-options] [program/arguments]
-u    Administrator Account Name on Remote Machine.
-p    Administrator Password.
-s    Use System Account.
-i     Allow Process to Interact with Desktop.
-t    Terminate Process after x Seconds.


beyondexecv2.exe \\WSN-025 ipconfig

Remote uninstall:

beyondexecv2.exe \\WSN-025 -i MsiExec.exe /qb /X{17071117-5BB9-4737-B05B-C5FABD367323} – Uninstalls and prompts for reboot.
beyondexecv2.exe \\WSN-055 MsiExec.exe /qn /X{A73227F9-C4B0-4029-B1B0-4DCAF791A29E} – Uninstalls without any user interaction. Reboots without prompt if needed.

MsiExec.exe options:
/passive – shows uninstalling progress and reboots without prompt.
/qn – doesn’t show anything and reboots without prompt.
/qf – full uninstalling interface. Asks users permission to uninstall.
/qr – shows uninstalling progress (full) and prompts for reboot.
/qb – shows uninstalling progress (basic) and prompts for reboot.

To find out uninstall string:
Check in registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall – This contains the values that Add/Remove Programs uses to display a computer’s installed software
Or use MyUninstaller. More info.


rmdir /S “\\path\to\folder\to\delete”– Deletes directory tree.

wuauclt.exe /detectnow – Force Windows Update check for new updates.
C:\WINDOWS\WindowsUpdate.log – Windows Update Log file.


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