Exchange 2010 SP1 – Export emails for specified date range to .pst

Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP1 introduces new cmdlets to export and import mailbox data:



This replaces previous Export-Mailbox cmdlet and the main advantage is that new methods don’t require you to run Outlook in order to import and export to .pst files.

To export whole mailbox run:
New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox “” -FilePath “\\server\share\”

To export only emails for specified data range run:
New-MailboxExportRequest -ContentFilter {(Received -ge ’05/01/2012′) -and (Received -le ’07/21/2012′)} -Mailbox “” -FilePath “\\Server\Share\”
This will export emails between 01 May 2012 and 21 July 2012.

If your server is set to different than US region date format and you are getting error: The provided ContentFilter value is invalid. Could not be converted to type System.DateTime check here.

If you getting error: The term ‘New-MailboxExportRequest’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. check here.



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