Warning after PHP upgrade “Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class…”


After upgrading PHP from 5.4 to 7.0 following warning is displayed: 

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Pages has a deprecated constructor in /home4/webmaster/public_html/website/classes/pages.class.php on line 16


The warning can be hidden by setting display_errors to Off in php.ini. Obviously this just hides the issue so a proper fix here is to fix the class in question.

Open the file mentioned in the warring message and find the constructor method. It should look something like this:

function Pages($id) {



Replace it with a constructor in the following format:

function __construct($id) {

You may also need keep the old constructor (if something in your website or application relies on it). Make sure it is placed below the new constructor:

function __construct($id) {

function Pages($id) {


January 2016
PHP 7.0


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