Install PEAR Mail on Windows Server 2008R IIS7 PHP

This article assumes that you already have PHP installed and working and your PHP location is C:\PHP

  • Download go-pear.phar file from and save it as C:\PHP\PEAR\go-pear.phar 
  • Open command prompt, navigate (cd) to C:\PHP\PEAR and run: php go-pear.phar
  • Accept all installation defaults:
    1. Install Type: System-Wide
    2. Default paths: Yes (double check that path to your PHP install is correct)
    3. Update php.ini: Yes

  • Add ;C:\PHP\PEAR to Windows Environment PATH Variable: Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables > System Variables > Path

  • Make sure PEAR is working from the command prompt: pear version should return something like this:
  • Install PEAR Mail and Net_SMTP packages by running following commands:
    • pear install Mail
    • pear install Net_SMTP
  • If you intend to use SSL/TLS enabled SMTP servers, enable openssl PHP extension:
    • Open php.ini and uncomment following line: extension=php_openssl.dll
    • Restart IIS: open command prompt and run iisreset


May 2017
Windows Server 2008R
Internet Information Services 7 (IIS7)
PHP 7.1.5
PEAR 1.10.4


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